Midweek Motivation
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
"Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth." ~Oscar Wilde
On leadership retreats I’ll often challenge the group to be courageous enough to pull down the masks that they wear in daily life (you know the ones – the masks of the perfect marriage, the phenomenal business, the ideal job, the strong finances, the wonderfully perfect life) and be sincere with who they really are – and who they could become.
The exercise isn’t meant to depress (although being honest is sometimes painful). Instead, it is only possible to step toward our most significant and impactful life by embracing who we really are, how we got here and then stepping toward the beautiful story possible through our life.
The truth of our lives is that we have so much more to do, to be, to give and to receive, but we have to take off the mask, burn it, own our true identity, and then daringly step forward.